‘Free Palestine’ Activists Let Masks Slip

Watching left-wing activists in diverse cities across America carrying signs saying “Boycott Israel” and “Free Palestine” sends chills.
‘Free Palestine’ Activists Let Masks Slip
Demonstrators gather in support of the Palestinian resistance in Toronto, on Oct. 9, 2023. (Andrew Chen/The Epoch Times)
John Rossomando

Hamas’s wanton slaughter of over 700 Israeli civilians has done more than anything else to expose the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement as a front for murderers. Watching left-wing activists in diverse cities across America carrying signs saying “Boycott Israel” and “Free Palestine” sends chills.

“From the River to the Sea Palestine Will Be Free” is a synonym for murdering Jews en masse. How else will “Palestine” be “free”?

It also shows why the blockade of Gaza is needed. BDS activists call Gaza an “open-air prison.” We can see now that the people there are akin to inmates in a maximum-security prison whose entire reason for being is slaughtering innocent Jews. Lifting the blockade and ending so-called “Apartheid,” as it’s called, would clearly lead to the mass murder of Israelis.

In New York, a demonstrator celebrated the murders and was giddy about terrorists paragliding into a techno concert that ironically was about “Peace” and slaughtering the concert-goers. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei celebrated the slaughter in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Every Israeli official said it was a complete surprise. And I think we have to sit with that, because as of just a couple of days ago they said that surprise wasn’t possible. They said we control every inch of Palestine. ... They were so arrogant, but just less than 24 hours ago, on the lands, from the sea, and from the air, the people of the Gaza Strip rose up,” an unidentified speaker said at the New York rally amid loud cheers.

A woman from the Palestinian Youth Movement joined him to celebrate the murder of hundreds, calling it a “glorious victory of the resistance.”

It stands as a reminder that Islamists always greet the open hand of peace with the sword. Entire families were dragged from their homes in Sderot and other towns near the Gaza border and brutally killed. In one video circulating on X, a family is forced to watch terrorists murder their daughter and sister. A surviving sister is heard asking if it really happened. It did happen, and American leftist activists were giddy about the murder.

The demonstrations in support of the Palestinians are like if American leftist activists had marched in support of Adolf Hitler during the 1940s, saying that Jews were responsible for the humiliation of the Versailles Treaty and the impoverishment of Germans that followed World War I. The rationale is identical. Anyone who pays close attention knows that for Hamas and all Islamists, the annihilation of the Jewish people has been their goal.

What else should we think when Palestinians carry Nazi flags, or ideologues such as the late Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi lament that Hitler didn’t finish the job.

Liberals who have promoted the Palestinian cause must face the reality that they’ve been played as useful idiots for genocide.

“We were fools. We were naïve fools. We did it carefully. We did it because we felt that it was the morally correct thing to do. We supported the Palestinian cause, or what we thought was the Palestinian cause: the struggle for a state of their own,” columnist Fred Maroun wrote in a column in The Times of Israel.

“But any naivety, any delusion, has dissipated after the events of the last couple of days. It’s not only that Hamas (which has been supported and nurtured by Palestinians and pro-Palestinian activists for decades) has engaged in a horrific mass murder of Israelis. It’s not only that this terrorist group is the most popular party among Palestinians and that most other parties are either just as bad or almost as bad. It’s also that the horrific actions of Hamas are by all accounts widely supported within the Palestinian community and the pro-Palestinian community abroad.”

Denial of reality is what leftist activists do best. It always claims that the victim is responsible for the murder. If only the Israelis hadn’t blockaded Gaza in a vain effort to prevent what ultimately happened, this wouldn’t have happened. The real culprit in this horror show lies about 1,500 miles to the east in Tehran. Outside actors always intrude to manipulate events. If the Islamic Republic of Iran disappeared, Palestinian terrorist groups would be lost.

Mr. Maroun notes that fake moderate Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has refused to condemn the slaughter. Palestinian Media Watch run by pro-Israel activist Itamar Marcus has carefully documented the Palestinian Authority’s anti-Semitic bloodlust and desire to recover the “1948 Territories,” namely Israel itself.

“The Palestinians have had 75 years to choose to have a state next to Israel, but they have repeatedly chosen terrorism. Through the murder of hundreds of Israelis and the cheering for those murders, they made their final choice clear. Some people will say that it’s the fault of terrorists and not the fault of Palestinians. I won’t be one of those people. Terrorists cannot exist unless they’re supported by the people,” Mr. Maroun wrote.

“Before this, there seemed to still be a glimmer of hope for a Palestinian state, but I now admit that those of us who believed in that hope were naive. That hope is dead now. I see many peace activists, who previously held nuanced views on the conflict, now declaring on social media their unwavering support for Israel.”

Democrats and their counterparts in Europe promote the fantasy that all the Palestinians want is the borders of Israel as they stood prior to the Six-Day War.

“Killing the occupiers [Israelis] is worship that Allah made into law,” a 2012 propaganda music video produced by Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, and translated by Palestinian Media Watch, says. “Killing Jews is worship that draws us close to Allah,” Arabic text on a sign in the video said.

If you say “Free Palestine” and “Boycott Israel,” and participate in “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations in the wake of senseless murder, you’re really just like a Nazi who talked about “Judenrein” or freeing Germany from the Jews.

When Palestinian leaders say they consider killing Jews their religious duty, believe them.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
John Rossomando is a senior analyst for defense policy at the Center for Security Policy and served as senior analyst for counterterrorism at The Investigative Project on Terrorism for eight years.
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