Wallet 23 Years Later: Woman Gets Back Wallet Stolen in 1990

Wallet 23 Years Later: Woman Gets Back Wallet Stolen in 1990

Wallet 23 years later: A stolen wallet complete with pictures that belonged to a South Carolina woman was returned--23 years later.

In 1990, Jeri Cox Chastain was working at Doctors Memorial Hospital in Spartanburg and noticed that her wallet was gone. She called police that it was missing but it was never found.

“It rocked my world. I kind of think I know who took it, but filed a police report,” said Chastain, according to WBTV in South Carolina.

Chastain said she left her wallet at her desk for five minutes as she went out to get some food.

“ Five min! I couldn’t have been gone more than 5 minutes because the elevator was next to my door and I got crackers and a coke and came right back,” she told the station.

Pictures of her son contained in the wallet was also taken. Chastain said that she wanted those pictures back the most.

A man working at the Business Technology Center called police after he found the wallet in the ceiling of a bathroom.

“I opened it up and found a drivers license and from the picture I could tell it was old,” said construction worker Jeff Anders, who found the wallet.

Chastain said that the wallet had become a distant memory.

“He said he had some property of mine that had been recovered, and I could not imagine what had been lost,” Chastain told NBC News. “He said, ‘I have a blast from your past. I’m holding your navy blue--’ and I said, ‘My wallet.’ And he said, ‘Yes, ma’am, your wallet.'”

The wallet also contained photos of her 5-year-old son, who is now a grown adult.

“It’s in perfect condition. The pictures are perfect,” she added. “There was one in there of him and I when he was three months old. I don’t have any other copies of that one. I had forgotten I had those. Or forgotten that I didn’t have them, as the case would be.”