Netflix Beats HBO: More Subscribers in U.S. For First Time

Netflix beats HBO: Netflix has more subscribers in the United States than HBO for the first time.
Netflix Beats HBO: More Subscribers in U.S. For First Time
The Netflix homepage. (Screenshot)

Netflix beats HBO: Netflix has more subscribers in the United States than HBO for the first time.

Netflix reported almost 30 million subscribers in the U.S. for the first quarter of this year, according to Variety.

With 29.17 million subscribers, the video streaming and mail-order DVD company saw a rise of about 2 million from the end of last year. The company’s stock surpassed $200 a share on April 22, for the first time since 2011. For several years the decision to separate online streaming and the DVD ordering was seen by analysts as hindering growth, but the company appears to have recovered.

HBO ended 2012 with 28.7 million subscribers. However, HBO hasn’t released its first-quarter update for 2013 (it will do so next month). Also, in terms of worldwide subscribers, while Netflix increased to 36 million overall, HBO has 114 million subscribers around the world. 

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings told Bloomberg he wants to reach 90 million subscribers in the United States alone. 

“We’re just working really hard to make the best service we can,” Hastings said. “To grow by 3 million subscribers globally in one quarter is just phenomenal. People want click-and-watch Internet video.”

Netflix announced on April 22 that it would offer an optional plan that would let people get four simultaneous streams for $11.999 a month, only $4 more than the current one user plan.

There have also been reports that the company is looking at cracking down on people letting others use their log-ins.