
UK Economy

UK Business Groups Hit Out at New Food Import Charges

UK Business Groups Hit Out at New Food Import Charges

Shop Price Inflation at 1.3 Percent in Lowest Rate Since December 2021

Shop Price Inflation at 1.3 Percent in Lowest Rate Since December 2021

UK GDP Growth Marks Slow Recovery From Technical Recession

UK GDP Growth Marks Slow Recovery From Technical Recession

Number of Benefits Claimants With No Requirement to Work at Nearly 3.9 Million

Number of Benefits Claimants With No Requirement to Work at Nearly 3.9 Million

Government Has Little Room for Cuts Amid Record High Tax Burden: IFS

Government Has Little Room for Cuts Amid Record High Tax Burden: IFS

Treasury Ministers’ Tax Claims Potentially ‘Misled’ the Public: Statistics Watchdog

Treasury Ministers’ Tax Claims Potentially ‘Misled’ the Public: Statistics Watchdog

UK Enters Technical Recession After 2 Consecutive Quarters of Negative Growth

UK Enters Technical Recession After 2 Consecutive Quarters of Negative Growth

Unchanged Inflation of 4 Percent Ignites Hopes for Interest Rate Cuts

Unchanged Inflation of 4 Percent Ignites Hopes for Interest Rate Cuts

Slowdown in Regular Pay Growth and Employment Marked Amid High Economic Inactivity

Slowdown in Regular Pay Growth and Employment Marked Amid High Economic Inactivity

Productivity Growth, Not Reliance on Immigration, Will Reduce UK Debt: OBR Official

Productivity Growth, Not Reliance on Immigration, Will Reduce UK Debt: OBR Official

IMF Warns Treasury Against Tax Cuts Ahead of Spring Budget

IMF Warns Treasury Against Tax Cuts Ahead of Spring Budget

Number of Companies Going Bust at Record High: Insolvency Service

Number of Companies Going Bust at Record High: Insolvency Service

Think Tank: Scrapped Tax-Free Shopping Scheme Would Contribute £11.1 Billion to Economy

Think Tank: Scrapped Tax-Free Shopping Scheme Would Contribute £11.1 Billion to Economy

Latest Government Borrowing Figures Lower Than Expected

Latest Government Borrowing Figures Lower Than Expected

Relief for Borrowers as Mortgage Providers Lower Rates Amid Price War

Relief for Borrowers as Mortgage Providers Lower Rates Amid Price War

UK Economy Shrank in October Threatening Rishi Sunak’s Growth Pledge

UK Economy Shrank in October Threatening Rishi Sunak’s Growth Pledge

Think Tank Brands Labour’s £28 Billion Green Pledge as ‘Fantasy’ Amid Timeline Confusion

Think Tank Brands Labour’s £28 Billion Green Pledge as ‘Fantasy’ Amid Timeline Confusion

Tories ‘Alarmed’ by High Taxes Ahead of Unlikely Cuts Announcement by Chancellor

Tories ‘Alarmed’ by High Taxes Ahead of Unlikely Cuts Announcement by Chancellor

Bank of England Votes to Hold Interest Rate at 5.25 Percent

Bank of England Votes to Hold Interest Rate at 5.25 Percent

IFS: Britain in ‘Horrible Fiscal Bind’ Amid High Debt Spending

IFS: Britain in ‘Horrible Fiscal Bind’ Amid High Debt Spending