
past lives

Are Children With Reincarnation Memories Just Making It Up?

Are Children With Reincarnation Memories Just Making It Up?

3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life as Snake, Gives Verified Details of Encounter With Hunter

3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life as Snake, Gives Verified Details of Encounter With Hunter

A Physicist’s Explanation of Why the Soul May Exist

A Physicist’s Explanation of Why the Soul May Exist

Video Interview With Dr. Jim Tucker, Reincarnation Researcher at the University of Virginia

Video Interview With Dr. Jim Tucker, Reincarnation Researcher at the University of Virginia

‘Ghosts’ Most Likely to Be Males Who’ve Died Violently: Study

‘Ghosts’ Most Likely to Be Males Who’ve Died Violently: Study

Pre-Birth Memories: Can People Remember Being in the Womb? Being Born?

Pre-Birth Memories: Can People Remember Being in the Womb? Being Born?

Children Who Seem to Remember Past Lives as Monks: Details Verified

Children Who Seem to Remember Past Lives as Monks: Details Verified

Businessman Gets Important Lesson From Past Life—Detailed Memories Verified

Businessman Gets Important Lesson From Past Life—Detailed Memories Verified

Do You Believe in Reincarnation? Boy Gives Detailed, Verified Information About Past Life

Do You Believe in Reincarnation? Boy Gives Detailed, Verified Information About Past Life

Psychologist Says Children With Past-Life Memories Exhibit PTSD Symptoms

Psychologist Says Children With Past-Life Memories Exhibit PTSD Symptoms

Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker? Stunning Coincidences Suggest So

Nazi Airman Reincarnated as English Railway Worker? Stunning Coincidences Suggest So

Screenwriter of ‘Gone With the Wind’ Reincarnated in the Midwest?

Screenwriter of ‘Gone With the Wind’ Reincarnated in the Midwest?

How Psychologists Officially Handle Spiritual Matters: Are Believers Delusional?

How Psychologists Officially Handle Spiritual Matters: Are Believers Delusional?