

DNA-Sized Plastics Invade Human Bodies, What Can Be Done

DNA-Sized Plastics Invade Human Bodies, What Can Be Done
10 hours

Microplastics Found in Human Testicles

Microplastics Found in Human Testicles
May 20

Scientists Discover Toxic Microplastics in Every Human Placenta Tested in Study

Scientists Discover Toxic Microplastics in Every Human Placenta Tested in Study
Mar 07

Recent study finds that ‘everywhere’ plastics may have contributed to more than 56,000 preterm births in 2018.

Chemicals in Cosmetics, Toys, and Food Containers Contribute to Rise in Preterm Births
Mar 03

The True Cost of Our Addiction to Plastic

The True Cost of Our Addiction to Plastic
Feb 12

Micro- and Nanoplastics Linked to Parkinson’s and Dementia

Micro- and Nanoplastics Linked to Parkinson’s and Dementia
Dec 04

Microplastics Can Find Their Way Into Human Tissues and Cause Bodily Harm

Microplastics Can Find Their Way Into Human Tissues and Cause Bodily Harm
Nov 03

Zero Waste–One Woman’s Efforts to Create a Cleaner World

Zero Waste–One Woman’s Efforts to Create a Cleaner World
Oct 20

The Potential Effect of Microplastics on Major Organs, Including the Brain: What Science Says

The Potential Effect of Microplastics on Major Organs, Including the Brain: What Science Says
Oct 12