Woman With Burns Covering 85% of Her Body Shares Pregnancy Photoshoot Online, and It Goes Viral

Woman With Burns Covering 85% of Her Body Shares Pregnancy Photoshoot Online, and It Goes Viral
More data and research needs to be conducted on pregnant women and COVID-19. (Illustration - Shutterstock)

Mom-to-be Andrea Grant booked a maternity photo shoot to celebrate her second pregnancy. Little did she know that she was about to cause a huge stir in the online community and fly the flag for body positivity like no other.

The reason? It goes back to a horrific childhood event. When she was only 9, Grant was in a gas explosion that nearly took her life. Instead, it left her with third-degree burns on 85 percent of her body.

“I think it is so important that the female burn survivors have other burn survivors to look up to,” the now-27-year-old mom told Today.

Grant and her brother Kendell Campbell, two years her senior, had come home from school to their home in Jacksonville, Florida. The siblings had no idea, but inside the house, the gas stove was leaking.

Campbell flicked on a light switch and the house went up in flames. Grant was pinned under a wall, and her body was ravaged by flames.

Doctors in Gainesville, where the siblings were flown in an emergency aircraft, battled to save her burn-covered body. The little girl flatlined, yet the doctors revived her. She was sent to an ICU in Texas to recover.

The 9-year-old girl had to learn to walk again and to see herself in the mirror without crying. “I didn’t have anybody to look up to,” Grant admitted, “to say, ‘This is how you look now, but this is how you could look in 10 or 15 years.’”

Grant’s scarring ran deep. She endured skin grafts and 10 painful surgeries. But growing up, Grant slowly developed a stronger sense of self and learned to love the girl staring back at her in the mirror.

She also found someone to love and to love her in return. However, due to her numerous skin grafts, doctors feared that her skin may not stretch enough to bear a pregnancy; Grant might not be able to carry her own baby to term. However, Grant was determined to find a way.

At the age of 20, Grant gave birth to a baby girl named Jada, having successfully carried her to term. She had felt so nervous about the pregnancy that she shared very few details online. Then she became pregnant with a second child.

This time, Grant decided she wanted to share her experience for the benefit of fellow burn survivors. She began to share more, answer questions, and post pictures of her growing belly on Instagram.
As the deeply scarred skin on her belly stretched, it brought pain. Grant had a solution; she kept her skin moisturized by applying oils and enjoying warm, soothing baths up to four times a day, she told People.

“You have to keep the scars soft,” she said.

Grant decided that her second pregnancy, progressing beautifully against the odds, had more than earned a celebratory photo shoot. So, feeling confident at 36 weeks, Grant booked professional photographer Terrence Armand, Daily Mail reported.

The shoot “wasn’t for social media, and it wasn’t to go viral,” Grant said; her reasons for the photo shoot were personal. But the photos ended up being so beautiful, and so inspiring, that Grant realized sharing them could help her community.

She was right.

One picture, showing the proud, expectant mom cradling her beautiful pregnant belly, was liked on Instagram over 21,000 times. “To have people encourage me and congratulate me and say the picture had an influence,” Grant shared, still stunned, “I think that is a blessing and an overwhelming feeling that can’t be described.”

Baby Marcus was delivered at 40 weeks—a textbook pregnancy, a healthy baby boy, and a true story of triumph against adversity. The experience was all of these things. Grant was overcome, “exhausted, but happy.”

Today, Grant is a passionate advocate for burn survivors. She’s even penned a book, titled “Beauty Beyond the Mirror: 12 Steps to Confidence.”

“If you are feeling low about the way you look,” the mom of two advised, “look in the mirror and find that one thing that you love about yourself.

“Build confidence around that, and once you’ve built yourself up, no one can ever bring you down.”

Louise Chambers is a writer, born and raised in London, England. She covers inspiring news and human interest stories.
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