Watch: NYPD Commissioner Retaliates Against Ted Cruz’s Comments About Muslims

NYPD Commissioner Bratton retaliated against Sen. Ted Cruz’s comments about increasing surveillance on Muslims.

NYPD Commissioner Bratton retaliated against Sen. Ted Cruz’s comments about increasing surveillance on Muslims.

On a Facebook post, the presidential hopeful said on March 22 that law officials should have the power to “patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.”

He also said the United States should stop the intake of refugees that come from countries where ISIS has a significant presence, and criticized Europe’s “failed immigration policy.”

I would remind the senator he lives in the United States of America.
William Bratton, NYPD commisioner

He also pointed that the NYPD force includes 900 Muslim-American cops and said there are “peace-loving, law-abiding Muslim Americans in neighborhoods all over New York City” and that they “should be respected like all other members of our community.”

“I take great offense at his characterization of that whole population,” said Bratton, who also noted the hundreds of Muslims-Americans risking their lives in the NYPD and in combats overseas.

The senator basically is really out of line with his comments.
William Bratton, NYPD commmissioner

“The senator basically is really out of line with his comments,” he added.

Meanwhile, Muslim groups have condemned the senator’s comments and proposals. They said that attacks perpetrated by Islamic extremists and the intense rhetoric from presidential candidates have caused resentment towards American Muslims.

In Washington, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said the Muslim community “is one of our greatest partners in our fight against terrorism and public safety generally,” when asked about the demands to increase surveillance in Muslim communities.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.