Waitress Hands Couple Folded Note on Their Way Out, One Look and They Rush Back In

Waitress Hands Couple Folded Note on Their Way Out, One Look and They Rush Back In
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff

The outpouring inspirational reports of kindness coming out of Texas during Hurricane Harvey—America’s worst flood disaster since 2005—rekindle our hope for mankind. In this story, a meal at a restaurant uplifted one displaced Houston family’s spirit when a waitress decided to give them something special.

Thousands of families were displaced after Hurricane Harvey, which swept through the Gulf Coast of Texas, destroyed their homes. Amongst the displaced Harvey survivors were Carlos Sepeda Jr. and his family, who lost everything when their home was struck by the unprecedented storm.

©Getty Images | <a href="https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/waves-pound-the-shore-from-approaching-hurricane-harvey-on-news-photo/839010070">Joe Raedle</a>
©Getty Images | Joe Raedle

After fleeing the catastrophic flooding, Sepeda’s mother-in-law brought him and his wife, Tammy, to Sam’s Restaurant in Fairfield, east of Waco, Texas, for a meal one day in September 2017. At the restaurant, the couple met waitress Mary Gough, who was all ears when they spoke about their situation after the disaster.

Knowing that Sepeda and his family—displaced by Hurricane Harvey—probably didn’t have many things with them, Gough handed Tammy a folded note. The family didn’t look at it until they were in the parking lot.

To their surprise, a $100 bill was slotted between the note. On the note, Gough wrote: “This isn’t much compared to your loss. Buy you something special. God bless – my prayers are w/u.”

The family went back to the restaurant to return Gough the $100 bill. However, Gough refused to take it back, saying she had “prayed on it.” “Her reply was she had gone to the back and prayed on it and she refused to take the money back,” Sepeda wrote in a Facebook post.
Gough even went the extra mile in helping the couple by offering them a table and chairs. “She then offered us a table a [sic] chairs if we needed them,” Sepeda continued. He was moved by Gough’s generosity.

To praise this extraordinary waitress, he added: “My friends and family if you are in Fairfield make sure to stop by Sam’s restaurant and see Mary, tip her well and show Texas gratitude! This is what Texas pride is made of!”

Sepeda’s post soon went viral, receiving over 81,000 likes. Gough’s gesture earned the praise of many. “God bless Mary... For that which she has done, she receive the grace of fulfilled life in all her doing,” one wrote. Another remarked: “What a blessing. People helping people. The way it should be.”

One user who knows Mary chimed in: “I’ve known Mary for many years! One of the nicest ladies you will ever meet!” Another commented: “And her money does not come easy.”

Meanwhile, some suggested driving to Sam’s Restaurant to pay Gough a visit. One wrote: “We could just drive up there on purpose to meet Mary, eat and tip!!!” Another said: “May God bless you Mary. You are a very loving person. If I am ever that way I will stop and eat there and say Hi.”

As for Gough, she was simply trying to “lift somebody’s spirit” that night. “I don’t have Facebook. I had no idea that it would be on Facebook; that was just out of my heart and it made her feel better,” Gough told Dallas News. “I just knew I wanted to help somebody feel better, and I would do it again if I felt the need to.”

What a loving thing to do for those struggling through life! Thank you Gough for proving there’s still good in this world. Sometimes a small act of kindness makes a huge difference in someone’s world.

Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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