UK Spy Agency Wants Future Tech Entrepreneurs Working for Them

Are you a fresh graduate and thinking of starting your own technology company in the UK? If so the country’s spy agency, GCHQ, might have a great job for you in the near future. That’s because the government is considering a new program that see promising tech graduates being employed by the GCHQ, the UK’s version of the NSA. This wouldn’t be for those looking to take on jobs in the spying field for life, but rather for a much more general public.
UK Spy Agency Wants Future Tech Entrepreneurs Working for Them
Members of the Royal Army, Navy and Airforce raise the Union Flag during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium on July 27, 2012 in London, England. (Ryan Pierse/Getty Images)

Are you a fresh graduate and thinking of starting your own technology company in the UK? If so the country’s spy agency, GCHQ, might have a great job for you in the near future.

We have loads of talented people working for GCHQ – and there is no shortage of academic excellence.
Cabinet Office source

That’s because the government is considering a new program that see promising tech graduates being employed by the GCHQ, the UK’s version of the NSA. This wouldn’t be for those looking to take on jobs in the spying field for life, but rather for a much more general public.

The program would take its inspiration from the successful “Teach First” initiative that encourages promising graduates to spend a couple of years teaching before taking on high-paying jobs at the end of their stint in academia.

A second source of inspiration is the Israeli Army which employs a very similar program. The best and the brightest in the IT divisions work for the military before starting their own businesses in the private sector.

“We have loads of talented people working for GCHQ – and there is no shortage of academic excellence,” said a Cabinet Office source to The Independent. “The question is can we create a secure space where business can work with GCHQ and build an eco-system between the two.

The spy agency would no doubt benefit from the constant addition of young and inspired minds joining their workforce – not to mention by the lasting bonds created between future business leaders and the secret agency.

Republished with permission from NeowinRead full article