Heartwarming Picture Captures Cop Comforting Non-verbal Boy With Autism During a Meltdown

Heartwarming Picture Captures Cop Comforting Non-verbal Boy With Autism During a Meltdown
(Illustration - Shutterstock)
Epoch Inspired Staff

These tough-looking police officers risk their lives every day to ensure the safety of others, but how easily we overlook the fact that they too have a soft and kind side, which is intentionally kept “hidden” to scare away any potential threats. However, small incidents like the one in this story naturally let these officers’ compassion shine forth.

Kyson Baler is non-verbal and suffers from an autism spectrum disorder, and he visits a disability center in Rigby, Idaho, five days a week to get treatment.

But one day, in May 2017, he saw a new caseworker who was assigned to him; the very next moment, little Kyson ran out of the center and had a meltdown—he then sat in a nearby parking lot.

Police officer Chris Scott, who happened to be patrolling nearby, pulled over his cruiser after seeing the special-needs boy. The thoughtful officer didn’t take much time and went over to sit next to him.

“He looked like he kind of had a bad day, so I pulled over and I sat down,” Scott told KIFI/KIDK TV in Idaho. “I just sat there for a few minutes and let him do his thing.”

“He pointed at my patch and I happened to have a challenge coin on me that had the patch on the opposite side and then badge on the other side. I gave him that and said are you ready to go back inside? He had a smile on his face and he was good to go.”

The sweet little interaction between Kyson and Scott was captured on camera by their therapist, who later sent the photo to Jessica.

“The officer wasn’t even aware that the picture was taken,” Jessica, Kyson’s mom, said to Inside Edition.
The heartwarming photo was also posted on the police department’s Facebook page. It soon went viral; however, Scott was unaware of it until a dispatcher told him.
“I went to dispatch the night before last and the dispatcher said ‘hey, nice picture’ and I said ‘what are you talking about?’ They showed it to me,” Scott said. “I said ‘where did you guys get that?’”

“It’s priceless. That picture says a thousand words,” Jessica said. “I never imaged the reaction was going to be so huge. I mean, we have had thousands of shares all over the U.S., the United Kingdom, Ireland, Egypt. The photo has been shared over and over.”

Jessica also told Inside Edition that “He was glad that he could represent that police officers are good guys.”

“I think it is just reassuring for the whole community of the positive that we have.”

Jessica and her son later met Scott so that she could thank him for his kindness in person.

“He (Scott) took the time to make sure that he was okay, to comfort him,” Jessica said. “It just shows the compassion he truly had instead of just of moving on past it.”

Officer Scott’s sweet gesture looks so simple on the surface; however, his selfless act and kindness have touched the hearts of many, and this one family will remember him forever!

Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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