It’s Seed-Sowing Season

Treat your life like a garden—clear out the weeds, plant some seeds, and nurture them until they bloom.
It’s Seed-Sowing Season
Each day, you diligently ensure your garden has the best conditions to fully blossom. (HTWE/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza
Changes of season can offer inspiration in our lives, inviting us to exist in harmony with the different characteristics of each part of the year. Springtime is seed-sowing season. It’s a time to begin new projects, bring new ideas to life, enact new habits, start over, refresh, or renew. Here are six ways to make the most of the spirit of springtime.

Decide What to Plant

Take care of your life like you would a garden. The first step to starting a new garden in the springtime is to decide what you’ll plant.
What goals and plans do you have for your life? What are the top ways you can take action on this season? Why are these the most important things to do now? Take pen to paper and design a plan for your “garden” this spring.

Clear the Garden Beds

Once you know what you hope will take root, prepare your garden beds by clearing out weeds and clutter. In your life, this manifests as your home, your personal spaces, your digital devices, your files, and the overall atmosphere and environment in which you live. Declutter, clean, spruce up, and prepare a clean slate for a fresh start to the season.

Plant Seeds

With your garden plan in mind, begin to sow the seeds to get your garden doing. Every project or goal begins with a small step. Schedule appointments, make calls, send emails, commit to others, book trips, block out windows of time—whatever the smallest, most immediate step you can take to move you forward, even if the tiniest bit, take them. Those are the seeds of the garden you’ll continue to grow.

Consistently Nurture

Perhaps the most important element of successfully caring for a garden is consistency. You don’t just sow your seeds and hope for the best. Each day, you diligently ensure your garden has the best conditions to fully blossom. You water, weed, tidy, check, nurture, and pray over a garden to give it the best chance of reaching its fullest potential. So too in life, success often comes down to diligence and consistency. Show up, prepare, make progress, incrementally improve, and take forward steps toward your goals each and every day.

Bask in the Sun

Every garden fundamentally needs a well cared for foundation, water, and sunshine. As you aim for new things in life, be sure to take good care of yourself, nurturing your mind, body, and spirit to the best of your ability. Eat nourishing foods, take walks in the beautiful spring sunshine, get sufficient rest, learn new things, guard the inputs you allow into your life, and take time for your spiritual development.

Pull Weeds

Just as weeds will continue to attempt to disrupt your garden as the season presses on, so too will challenges and interruptions poke through the soil of your life. Head into the spring knowing that part of your efforts will need to be dedicated to mitigating “weeds.” Commit yourself to diligently staying on top of your responsibilities and continuing with whatever may come your way.

Just as you may find yourself sowing seeds in a new garden this season, sow seeds of improvement in your life this spring. If yo nurture those seeds and tend your garden diligently throughout spring and beyond, your life will blossom in new and wonderful ways.

Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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