Former CIA Officer and President of the PA Patriot Coalition: Spent My Life Defending America

‘You are facing the onslaught of this liberal, really Marxist ideology,’ he said.
Former CIA Officer and President of the PA Patriot Coalition: Spent My Life Defending America
Sam Faddis, president of Pennsylvania Patriot, gave a keynote speech at the Southeastern Pennsylvania GOP unity meeting in Philadelphia, on Dec. 9, 2023. (Jennifer Yang/The Epoch Times)

“I sort of spent my life defending America,” Sam Faddis, president of Pennsylvania Patriot Coalition, told The Epoch Times at the Southeastern Pennsylvania GOP unity meeting in Philadelphia on Dec. 9.

Having grown up in a military family with a naval officer father and then serving in the Army and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Mr. Faddis said he recognized, after retirement, the dual threats facing the nation—external and internal. Two years ago, he founded the Pennsylvania Patriot Coalition, a collective of about 100 patriot groups across the state.

Mr. Faddis gave a keynote speech at the Dec. 9 meeting—organized by the Pennsylvania Integrity Network and Black Conservative Federation (BCF)- PA Chapter—which was attended by local conservative group leaders.

Mr. Faddis told the meeting’s audience about the challenges that conservatives face.

“What you have is you have a very aggressive, well-organized, incredibly well-financed effort by the left, which controls a huge powerful interest in the country,” Mr. Faddis said.

Infused with a tremendous amount of Marxism, he said, the left wants to destroy traditional American values.

“As you are facing the onslaught of this liberal, really Marxist ideology and the full scope of what they’re doing ... unfortunately, on any given day, you’re gonna have a really hard time finding anybody who fights that agenda,” he said.

The Pennsylvania Patriot Coalition is about changing that.

“The answer is you need to stop asking people [who don’t support you] to do things for you, and you need to put yourself in a position to tell them what to do,” Mr. Faddis said.

He called on people to actively engage in the political process, from school boards to the state legislature, and be active in government.

Bill Allen, co-host of the event and president of the Pennsylvania Integrity Network, echoed Mr. Faddis’s sentiments, emphasizing the need to make a difference and effect change.

“We’re here to make change. Just like my sixth-time grandfather, came from Scotland in the 1700s and spent his winter with George Washington in Valley Forge. We’re gonna make a difference together,” Mr. Allen said.

Bill Allen, co-host of the event and president of the Pennsylvania Integrity Network, spoke at the Southeastern Pennsylvania GOP unity meeting in Philadelphia on Dec. 9, 2023. (Jennifer Yang/The Epoch Times)
Bill Allen, co-host of the event and president of the Pennsylvania Integrity Network, spoke at the Southeastern Pennsylvania GOP unity meeting in Philadelphia on Dec. 9, 2023. (Jennifer Yang/The Epoch Times)

Mail-in Voting

Mr. Faddis also shared his views on mail-in voting, criticizing it as “an invitation to fraud and theft.”

He highlighted the problems with the 2020 U.S. election in Pennsylvania, where more votes were cast than there were voters, and spoke of the need for significant reforms to restore electoral integrity.

“We scrapped a system we had been using for 200 years, which is in-person voting. We substituted mail-in voting with very few safeguards, and then we systematically deleted most of the safeguards that were left,” Mr. Faddis said.

“It didn’t matter if the mailing had a postmark. It didn’t matter if there was a signature; pretty much nothing mattered,” he said.

“There are endless issues of mail-in voting. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not something somebody made up,” Mr. Faddis said.

“The State Department has been for years telling other countries never to use mail-in voting because you can’t control it. It’s an invitation to fraud and theft,” he said.

“We tell other countries don’t use mail-in voting because somebody can steal the election. And yet, we have gone to exactly that system here. And we pretend like that’s not true. That’s how bad it is,” he added.

Some of the conservative group leaders at the Southeastern Pennsylvania GOP unity meeting was held in Philadelphia on Dec. 9, 2023. (Jennifer Yang/The Epoch Times)
Some of the conservative group leaders at the Southeastern Pennsylvania GOP unity meeting was held in Philadelphia on Dec. 9, 2023. (Jennifer Yang/The Epoch Times)

Elite Capture

As a member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, Mr. Faddis also shared his views with The Epoch Times on the deep infiltration of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the United States.

He pointed out instances of financial ties between American officials and the CCP, emphasizing the urgent need for Americans to recognize and address this infiltration.

“What’s elite capture? Buying foreign officials and getting them to do what Beijing wants them to do,” explained Mr. Faddis.

He gave an example involving CEFC China Energy.

“CEFC China energy gives 10s of millions of dollars to Hunter Biden. CEFC China Energy is not a legitimate commercial company. CEFC China Energy is Chinese intelligence. It is CCP, its job is elite capture,” Mr. Faddis said.

“Where was the money going? We now know conclusively, it was going through bank accounts from him straight to Joe Biden. So this is Chinese intelligence, not just CCP, Chinese spies, sending millions and millions of dollars to the guy that’s now sitting in the Oval Office,” he said.

In a July 26 hearing on a plea deal between Hunter Biden and the Department of Justice, Mr. Biden admitted to having received money from the Chinese energy firm CEFC.
Bank records and other documents suggest that a $40,000 payment President Joe Biden received from his brother in 2017 may have originated from the Chinese firm after it moved through a series of Biden-family-controlled entities, according to a memo compiled by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee. The White House did not respond to a request for comment at the time. President Biden has vehemently denied that he benefited from his family’s business ventures.

Mr. Faddis noted that the same kind of thing is going on all over Washington.

“Unfortunately, we have way too many Americans that have been bought [by CCP],” he said.

Mr. Faddis recommended that Americans must recognize the CCP’s infiltration of the United States.

“The first thing they need to do is they need to call people out, they need to just speak the truth,” he insisted. “This is not just a Democrat thing. I used Biden as an example, because obviously, he’s sitting in the White House. But this is all throughout our government.”

Another example Mr. Faddis provided was Mitch McConnell, a senior Republican in the Senate whose wife, Elaine Chao, is of Chinese descent. She served as the United States Secretary of Transportation from 2017 to 2021.

“Again, it’s not about ethnicity. But the point is, her family makes a massive amount of money off of doing business with the Chinese Communist Party. They are rich because they cooperate with the Communist Party in China,” Mr. Faddis clarified.

“So as long as you’re gonna accept that a guy who’s supposed to be the opposition leader is also in bed with Beijing, you’re not gonna get any change in policy.”

In response to a 2019 New York Times report on Ms. Chao’s connections to China, she said in a statement, “My family are patriotic Americans who have led purpose-driven lives and contributed much to this country.”

Mr. Faddis emphasized that there’s ample evidence of elite capture; it’s not an isolated occurrence.

He cited another case from a couple of years ago involving Congressman Eric Swalwell, who was romantically involved with a young Chinese woman, suspected Chinese spy Fang Fang or Christine Fang, cultivating contacts with California politicians since at least 2012.

“All the CCP cares about is what you want. That’s how spying works. You want money, they’ll give you money. You want help for your ego, they’ll give you help for your ego. If it helps to hear that coming from an attractive young woman, then they’ll send an attractive young girl. If not, they’ll send an old guy. It doesn’t matter. It’s not about that,” Mr. Faddis continued.

“It’s about getting into your head, and they have gotten their fingers on a lot of people in the federal government. That’s the sick part.

“So people really need to face that, understand the reality, and they need to push back. Don’t just keep pretending like it’s not happening,” he said.

When Mr. Swalwell was appointed to the House Intelligence Committee in 2015 federal investigators alerted him to their concerns of Ms. Fang, and he immediately cut ties with her, according to Axios. Mr. Swalwell has maintained that he did nothing wrong and fully cooperated with the FBI.

Mainstream Media Infiltrated

Mr. Faddis said the mainstream media has been infiltrated by the CCP, noting that many media outlets are owned by corporations with business interests in China, prioritizing profit over principles.

“Almost all of the television and radio stations are owned by a handful of corporations,” he explained. “All of those corporations also do business in China, and they don’t want to lose money.”

“Unfortunately, for a lot of people, cash become more important than principles,” Mr. Faddis said.

“Let’s imagine it was 1980–82, and Ronald Reagan was in the White House. Would anybody have done business with the Soviet Union? Would anybody say let’s put our factories in the Soviet Union? Let’s increase the standard of living in the Soviet Union? Let’s help the Soviets build bigger tanks, more tanks, better airplanes, aircraft carriers? ‘No,’ in five seconds, they would have said, ‘You’re out of your mind. You’re insane.’ This is exactly what we’re doing,” he said.

CCP and Xi Jinping

Mr. Faddis mentioned that the American people were deceived by the CCP with the false promise that engaging with the regime in business would lead to democracy. Instead, the CCP has become “stronger, more evil, more capable.”

He called for disengagement from the CCP to prevent further strengthening of such an adversary.

Mr. Faddis proposed the solution of disengaging from the CCP and ending business relations.

“Right now, we’re paying them to get stronger and be more capable of attacking us,” he said.

Regarding some Americans’ fear of the CCP, Mr. Faddis attributed it to concerns about financial interests.

He criticized American corporate leaders who paid $40,000 for a table of eight at the banquet for Chinese leader Xi Jinping during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)  summit in San Francisco.

“This is a guy who commits genocide, massacres his own people, his people engage in forced organ harvesting. He has blood all over his hands,“ Mr. Faddis said. ”And American corporate leaders are cheering him on our soil. Because money, I guess, is more important to them than their principles.”

He described forced organ harvesting as “horrifying and real,” drawing from interviews with researchers on the subject in China.

When asked if he had something to say to the Chinese leader, Mr. Faddis said he would try to think of something polite but concluded: “He is a bloodthirsty dictator. When Mao was in power, he sent people to the villages and he didn’t care that he killed 100 million people, Xi is exactly the same guy. All he cares about is staying in power.”

He stressed the importance of acknowledging reality and resisting CCP influence.

Samantha Flom contributed to this report.
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