

Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Protect IVF

Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Protect IVF

Democrats Register Key Win in Alabama House Special Election

Democrats Register Key Win in Alabama House Special Election

Civil Rights Group Asks Court to Block Alabama Appointments Law

Civil Rights Group Asks Court to Block Alabama Appointments Law

Pro-Life Activists Embrace Alabama IVF Ruling

Pro-Life Activists Embrace Alabama IVF Ruling

Alabama Governor Signs Bill That Shields IVF Providers From Legal Liability

Alabama Governor Signs Bill That Shields IVF Providers From Legal Liability

Alabama Sued Over ‘Racial Quota’ for Real Estate Appraisers Board

Alabama Sued Over ‘Racial Quota’ for Real Estate Appraisers Board

GOP Mega Donors Bankrolling Ads Against Rep. Barry Moore in Alabama GOP Race

GOP Mega Donors Bankrolling Ads Against Rep. Barry Moore in Alabama GOP Race

Haley Backs Alabama Ruling That Embryos Are Babies

Haley Backs Alabama Ruling That Embryos Are Babies

In Vitro Embryos Are Children Protected Under Law: Alabama Supreme Court

In Vitro Embryos Are Children Protected Under Law: Alabama Supreme Court