The Epoch Times
The Epoch Times

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The Epoch Times

EU Elections: The Winners and the Losers

The biggest winner was the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, which dominated the French polls, causing President Macron to call a snap national election.

India’s Modi Sworn in for Third Term as Prime Minister

A view of Mr. Modi’s dawning third term through the lens of New Delhi’s Prime Ministers Museum. Mr. Modi’s brand has added power to the office, observers say.

Oklahoma Teacher Shortage Persists for K-12 Public Schools

There are no guarantees that Oklahoma public schools will have enough teachers for every classroom when the 2024–2025 academic year begins this fall.

Mayorkas Touts ‘Positive’ Early Signs That Biden’s Border Executive Order Is Working

The DHS chief also said the Biden administration is ready to defend the executive order against lawsuits and called for congressional action on the border.

Infants Exposed to SARS-CoV-2 During Pregnancy 10 Times More Likely to Have Developmental Delays: Study

A recent study found infants exposed to COVID-19 in utero scored lower in communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and personal-social domains.
Cows With Bird Flu Have Died in 5 US States: Officials

Cows With Bird Flu Have Died in 5 US States: Officials

Health Officials Issue Warning on Measles Exposure at Philadelphia International Airport

Health Officials Issue Warning on Measles Exposure at Philadelphia International Airport

Selenium–Counters Thyroid and Intestinal Disease, Alzheimer’s, and Cancer

Historically seen as a natural toxicant, selenium has many health benefits reaching to the smallest energy-producing facilities in our cells, the mitochondria.
Health - The Epoch Times
Bright - The Epoch Times
‘Johnny Belinda:’ From Tragedy to Fulfillment

‘Johnny Belinda:’ From Tragedy to Fulfillment

A film that handles a delicate subject with remarkable skill and care.
Rufus Dawes and the Iron Brigade

Rufus Dawes and the Iron Brigade

Rufus Dawes’s leadership skills and battle-savvy led to his survival through some of the Civil War’s bloodiest battles.
Embracing the Sourness: ‘When Life Gives You Lemons’ 

Embracing the Sourness: ‘When Life Gives You Lemons’ 

When life gets tough, stick it out, and you can still make the best of it.

For a Lively Vacation, Try Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

For a Lively Vacation, Try Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

Ask Angi: How Do I Handle Home Emergencies?

Ask Angi: How Do I Handle Home Emergencies?

From Playing a Power Ranger to Becoming a Mom Entrepreneur, Actress Jessica Rey Is a Positive Influence

From Playing a Power Ranger to Becoming a Mom Entrepreneur, Actress Jessica Rey Is a Positive Influence

‘David Copperfield’: A Book About Memory, Writing, and Fatherhood

‘David Copperfield’: A Book About Memory, Writing, and Fatherhood

For a Lively Vacation, Try Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

For a Lively Vacation, Try Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

Ask Angi: How Do I Handle Home Emergencies?

Ask Angi: How Do I Handle Home Emergencies?

From Playing a Power Ranger to Becoming a Mom Entrepreneur, Actress Jessica Rey Is a Positive Influence

From Playing a Power Ranger to Becoming a Mom Entrepreneur, Actress Jessica Rey Is a Positive Influence

‘David Copperfield’: A Book About Memory, Writing, and Fatherhood

‘David Copperfield’: A Book About Memory, Writing, and Fatherhood
Special Coverage
Special Coverage