Dad Surprises His Kids by Shaving His Beard for the First Time in 10 Years—Watch Their Dramatic Reaction

Dad Surprises His Kids by Shaving His Beard for the First Time in 10 Years—Watch Their Dramatic Reaction

An Alabama realtor gave his kids the shock of their lives when he shaved off his trademark beard, which he has had for over a decade. Their dramatic reaction has gone viral on social media.

Father of three Austin Matthews of Gadsden, Alabama, told The Epoch Times: “When I was a kid, my dad shaved his mustache off, and it scared us, so I’ve always wanted to see how my own kids would react. I finally, spontaneously, decided to go for it.”

Norah's reaction to Mr. Matthews's shave. (Screenshot/ViralHog)
Norah's reaction to Mr. Matthews's shave. (Screenshot/ViralHog)

In Mr. Matthews’ hilarious footage, he is seen wandering through the family home freshly shaved, and the first of his kids he encounters is “sassy” 6-year-old Norah. She slaps her hands across her mouth before bursting into tears, then throws herself on the bed in despair.

Next, “mama’s boy” Jude, 2, spots his dad and retreats behind a dresser, trying to hide behind a power cord.

Jude is spotted hiding on seeing his dad's beard taken off. (Screenshot/ViralHog)
Jude is spotted hiding on seeing his dad's beard taken off. (Screenshot/ViralHog)

“That was hilarious,” Mr. Matthews said. “Their reaction was about how I expected it to be. I knew they had never seen me without it, and they aren’t huge fans of strangers, so I figured they would be a little scared. ... It didn’t last long though. They warmed up to it pretty quickly.”

Mr. and Ms. Matthews with their kids. (Courtesy of Austin Matthews)
Mr. and Ms. Matthews with their kids. (Courtesy of Austin Matthews)
Mr. Matthews with a clean shave. (Courtesy of Austin Matthews)
Mr. Matthews with a clean shave. (Courtesy of Austin Matthews)

Meanwhile, Mr. Matthews’ wife, Jessica Matthews, can be seen with her mouth agape at her husband’s transformation. She was “not a fan” at first, said Mr. Matthews, since she'd always loved her husband’s beard, but soon “warmed up fine” just like the kids did. Unfortunately, 4-year-old “troublemaker” Finn’s reaction wasn’t caught on camera.

The father of three couldn’t resist posting his funny footage on social media where it has gone viral. Mr. Matthews, who has since been using his platform to share real estate tips, said that the viral fame hasn’t changed his life, “except for a week of phone calls from random people all across the country.”

However, there has been one major takeaway for the father of three: beard is best.

“I will never shave it again!” he said.

Watch the video:

(Video Credit: ViralHog)
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