How to Make Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom

How to Make Money as a Stay-at-Home Mom
(Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock)
Anne Johnson

Being a stay-at-home mom is a job in itself. But with only one income in the household, it could be a little tight. Eggs and butter haven’t come down in price, and the children seem to be eating more every day. But going to work full-time isn’t an option with small children.

You need income that can be generated part-time from your house. There are different ways that you can bring money into the house while still doing your stay-at-home duties. Here are a few.

Virtual Assistant Mainly an Administrative Job

A virtual assistant (VA) is a self-employed worker who provides administrative services to clients remotely or from home.
A VA performs tasks such as:
  • scheduling appointments
  • making phone calls
  • managing email accounts
Virtual assistants are becoming prominent. Various-sized businesses use them to keep administrative costs down. Some individuals use them to lessen their workload. These are usually part-time positions.

Many VAs work two or three hours a day, but work hours are usually flexible.

The average VA earns $25 per hour.

Freelance Writer Works for Various Companies

If you have a writing talent, you can turn that into a side gig from your motherly duties. There is a demand for freelance writers.
There are various ways to find jobs as a freelance writer. They include:With Upwork and Freelance, you apply to various jobs that are listed. Although you can bid a rate, the client usually has the final say. Fiverr is similar, but you don’t apply; the client chooses you based on your profile.
Although there are usually deadlines, you can work during your free time according to your schedule. As you build your portfolio, you'll find yourself in demand.

Transcriptionist Works Part-Time

If you’re a mom, you’re probably already a good listener. But if you’re also attentive to detail, you might do well as a transcriptionist.

As a transcriptionist, you listen to recorded or live audio files and then type versions. These files could be related to corporate, legal, or medical matters.

You’ll need to be certified, but there are several companies you can freelance with. They include:You can earn up to $20 hourly by transcribing for most companies.

Social Media Manager Expands Company’s Reach

As a social media manager, you'll oversee a business’s various social media channels, such as Facebook and Instagram.

You would post content and reply to comments. Another responsibility would be ensuring the channels align with the company’s overall brand.

Social media managers also create marketing strategies to increase engagement with possible customers. You’ll be expanding the company’s online reach.

This job can be done from your home. All you need is a computer and a stable internet connection.

Payment varies depending on the business and scope of the job.

Online English Teacher

Another job you can do in your spare time is teach English online. Even if you don’t have a four-year degree, some companies will hire you if you are a native English speaker.
Companies that you could work for include:All three companies require a native English speaker, but Cambly and Preply don’t require a degree to teach.
The average pay range is between $10 and $25 hourly, depending on the company.

Blog About Motherhood

“Mommy blogs” are very popular. There is always a demand for parental advice. You have the experience and knowledge. If you can write, you can build a blog.
Start by writing articles that people want to read. Once you have at least 30, you’re ready to publish. You'll need a website. Some platforms that are easy to build websites on include:Think of a catchy name for your domain that explains what your blog is about. Once you have some views on your blog, you can contact an ad exchange like Ezoic to run advertisements on your blog. You'll receive a portion of the proceeds.

Pet Sitting for Animal Lovers

If you’re an animal lover, pet sitting might be right for you. You can bring the pet into your home or go to the client’s house to take care of it.

Develop a rate card, then put the word out among friends and family that you are available for pet sitting.

Another way to connect with clients is through the apps Rover and Wag. These platforms allow you to set your rates and availability, and clients can find and hire you.
You’re paid through the app into your PayPal account 48 hours after completing the job. The one downside is they keep ten percent of your proceeds. But it’s a convenient way to drum up business.

Find a Side Hustle That Works for You

Freelancing as a stay-at-home mom can bring in some extra cash while meeting your busy schedule.

You don’t have time to commute to work, but you can earn a little money to supplement your household expenses by using your talents, such as writing or teaching.

The Epoch Times copyright © 2024. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors. They are meant for general informational purposes only and should not be construed or interpreted as a recommendation or solicitation. The Epoch Times does not provide investment, tax, legal, financial planning, estate planning, or any other personal finance advice. The Epoch Times holds no liability for the accuracy or timeliness of the information provided.
Anne Johnson was a commercial property & casualty insurance agent for nine years. She was also licensed in health and life insurance. Anne went on to own an advertising agency where she worked with businesses. She has been writing about personal finance for ten years.
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