Slovak Prime Minister in Serious but Stable Condition, Suspect Charged With Attempted Murder

Slovak Prime Minister in Serious but Stable Condition, Suspect Charged With Attempted Murder
Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico walks during the European Council summit at the EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, on April 18, 2024. (Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP via Getty Images)

BRATISLAVA/BANSKA BYSTRICA, Slovakia—Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico remains in a serious but stable condition and is able to speak a little, the country’s president-elect said on Thursday, a day after an assassination attempt that sent shock waves across Europe.

The shooting was the first major assassination attempt on a European political leader for more than 20 years, and has drawn international condemnation.

“He is able to speak but only a few sentences and then he is really tired because he is on some medication,” President-elect Peter Pellegrini, a Fico ally, told reporters after visiting the 59-year-old premier in hospital.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak said it was too early to say whether Mr. Fico would recover from the attack due to “the extent of the injuries caused by four gunshot wounds.”

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok, speaking at the same news conference, said the shooter—whom police have charged with attempted murder—had acted alone and had previously taken part in anti-government protests.

“This is a lone wolf who had radicalized himself in the latest period after the presidential election [in April],” Mr. Sutaj Estok said.

Slovak news media have said the shooter is a 71-year-old former security guard at a shopping mall and the author of three collections of poetry. There has been no official confirmation of his identity.

The suspect listed government policies on Ukraine and its plans to reform the country’s public broadcaster and dismantle the special prosecutor’s office that deals with high-level corruption as reasons for the attack, Mr. Sutaj Estok said.

A person is detained after Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and injured in Handlova, Slovakia, on May 15, 2024. (Radovan Stoklasa/Reuters)
A person is detained after Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and injured in Handlova, Slovakia, on May 15, 2024. (Radovan Stoklasa/Reuters)

Police gave no details about their investigation at an afternoon news conference but said they had boosted security at Slovakia’s parliament and also around media offices and schools.

Miriam Lapunikova, director of the F.D. Roosevelt University Hospital in Banska Bystrica where Mr. Fico is being treated, said he had undergone five hours of surgery with two teams to treat multiple gunshot wounds.

“At this point his condition is stabilized but is truly very serious. He will be in the intensive care unit,” she told reporters.

Calls for Calm

Slovak President Zuzana Caputova called for a calming of political tensions. Appearing alongside her at a news conference before visiting Mr. Fico, Mr. Pellegrini urged parties to suspend or tone down their campaigning for next month’s European Parliament elections.

“If there is anything the people of Slovakia urgently need today, it is at least a basic consensus and unity among Slovaks’ political representatives,” said Mr. Pellegrini, winner of the hard-fought April election for the mainly ceremonial presidency.

Mr. Fico has dominated Slovak politics for much of the past two decades, winning reelection last October for a fourth stint as premier.

He has fused left-leaning economic views with nationalism, tapping into widespread discontent over living standards.

Mr. Fico’s calls for ending sanctions on Russia and halting arms supplies to Ukraine have endeared him to Moscow, and President Vladimir Putin and other Russian politicians have been prominent among those condemning Wednesday’s assassination attempt.

Mr. Fico was shot while greeting supporters in the street after chairing a government meeting in the central town of Handlova.

The incident raised questions over Mr. Fico’s security arrangements, as the attacker managed to fire five shots at point blank range despite the prime minister being accompanied by several bodyguards.